С молоком матери

10 февраля, 2025 11:08 дп


Виктория Ивлева:

Колонии, где содержатся женщины с детьми до трех лет.

Russia, 2012, Chelyabinsk. A female convict on a walk with her child in the Children’s House playground.

Russia, 2012, Chelyabinsk. Children of the convicts are kept in a special Children House that is separated from the rest of the camp. They are obliged to have their toilet at the same time under observation of a nurse who is usually one of the convicts.

Russia, 2012, Chelyabinsk. Female convicts who recently gave birth in the prisoners camp are obliged to wear white gowns and kerchiefs when they come to the Children’s House to feed their infants.

Russia, 2013, Nizhny Tagil. Masha, Lyuda and Zoya, three young mothers who gave birth in the prisoners camp. All three are imprisoned for drug trafficking. More than 30% of convicted women are punished for dealing with drugs.

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